Watch the video for Trentacles odd and NSFW song


So there’s a lot of mystery that surrounds Trentacles. We were first alerted to his existence from Cyclic contributor Jason Heller (who produces woozy electronic dub as MLK-Ultra) who has released his debut EP Do The Jazz and Shush on his Bad Laser label. This is the first material he has released from anyone else so we figured it must be pretty special. It’s safe to say that we weren’t prepared for this. No one could be.

Trentacles is rough, juvenile and quite ridiculous music. He refers to it as ‘stupid music for stupid people.’ We really don’t know what to make of it, particularly this track ‘Donkey’ with its suggestive lyrics and a clip derived from Australia’s legacy of fast food television commercials. Is it a comment on the intrusion of advertising in our lives without our consent? Or is it just a dumb song about asses revelling in its shock value? Regardless we’re enjoying seeing music that doesn’t take itself too seriously and gives you a bit of a giggle.

This is what Heller has to say about it:

“The weird charm to Trentacles’ music lies in the combination of woozy synthesized rhythms overlaid with joyfully demented nursery rhyme styles chants about very not safe for work topics. It’s kinda hilarious and kinda scary and I suppose that is what I liked about it. After the initial shock and humour wears off there’s a creeping discomfort, where you think, wait a second, is he still going? There’s something really wrong about this. That’s probably the best way to describe Trentacles’ world – ‘Creeping Discomfort.’”

Do The Jazz and Shush is out now as name your price via Bad Laser Records. You can find it here.


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