Takagi Masakatsu – World Is So Beautiful (Carpark/Fuse)


World Is So Beautiful

This the kind of record title that might instantly have the hairs on the back of your neck standing up – a highly emotive gushy phrase like this could be misconstrued so easily these days. Yet Takagi Masakatsu’ outpourings resonate – his gleeful assessment of all he comes in contact with (whilst traveling around the globe) reminds us that occasionally, when we take the time there is a sense of remarkable if somewhat subtle beauty in most things around us.

A collection of audio visual pieces, based in part on Masakatsu’ travels in Germany, Guatemala, Turkey, Nepal and several other destinations – these works relish in that simple experience travellers become addicted to – the experience of difference. Those askew visual understands, cultural shifts and surreal moments of disconnected interaction that guide so many trips into foreign lands are rooted deeply in these works. Combining his treated visual palette, complete with post-psychedelic colour schemes with gentle whistles of tune and considered rhythmic flickers, Masakatsu charms us with this dreamlike passages. Listening and watching these impressionist memories his work transcends a personal video diary and becomes a collection of video footage and soundtracks that echo much broader experience and global interactions.

Lawrence English
