Listen to a live set from Melbourne musician Xenosine from Interzona late last month


Xenosine aka Vijay Thillaimuthu is an audio-visual artist that creates the perception of a synaesthetic relationship between sound and video in his work. This relationship is exemplified by the fact that what you are seeing and what you are hearing are both created by the same analogue voltage, whether it is being turned into vibrations via a speaker cone or used as a means to accelerate and deflect electrons in a cathode ray tube television or oscilloscope. His method is by modular synthesis combined with signal feedback, fed through springs via transducers, mixed with voltage rendered from video signals and so on, a system that is ever expanding like the behaviour of synaptic networks.

And if you’re in Tassie for Dark Mofo, Xenosine is playing at the Brisbane Hotel tonight. More info here.

More info here.


About Author

Bob is the features editor of Cyclic Defrost. He is also evil. You should not trust the opinions of evil people.