Cyclic Defrost Magazine in Australia Council Case Study


Cyclic Defrost Magazine was turned from a photocopy zine into a ‘proper’ printed magazine with the help of a New Audiences grant from the Australia Council For The Arts. We were one of the ‘best practice’ examples and our process and methodology is analysed in the Australia Council’s latest look at audience development on their Fuel4Arts microsite Protein.

All the case studies vary in target markets, ranging from programs for early childhood and families to young adults who did not normally attend high-end arts events. Each case study covers the aims of the funded project, the target audience, how the marketing P’s were addressed, the outcomes, evaluation methodology, challenges, plans for the future and then explores how the idea might be applied in other circumstances.

Take a read if you are interested in how we got started and how Cyclic Defrost operates.


About Author

Seb Chan founded Cyclic Defrost Magazine in 1998 with Dale Harrison. He handed over the reins at the end of 2010 but still contributes the occasional article and review.