PANTyRAiD – Pillowtalk (self-released)



PANTyRAiD are the duo of Josh Mayer (of Ooah and Glitch Mob Fame) and Martin Folb (MartyParty). Their preceding fame and combination with their first album The Sauce in 2009 was a success, and they are booked in major clubs all over North America.

Pillowtalk sounds a treat, but is a bit robotic in terms of creativity. The sounds are very tight, but unoriginal and basically operates on bringing newer electronic sounds such as sweeping and honed sub-bass to a wider audience.

Tracks like Pillowtalk starter ‘That’s the Spot’s are played-out rave melodies where you can practically sing the chords as they transpire. This is not to say the composition isn’t great, it just works as if from a songwriter’s manual of intro-main-bridge-main-outro, with uninspired or new sounds, and no greater mysteries or creativity apparent.

Tracks like ‘Jokes From the Backseat’s borrow dated brostep wobble sounds without any sense of irony, which then die down and fire up with cheesy build-ups, before belting back into exactly the same verse without any discernible variation. Originality any?

Pillowtalk is to congratulated in the area of sound design. Top-notch sub-bass and synth tones like in ‘Keeping Secrets’ and ‘Sixteen and Free’ (is it me or is this song title a bit sus?) is ultra tight, and PANTyRAiD can certainly be applauded for their mastery of sonics and typical song writing too.


Pillowtalk is essentially refined sugar music to give a quick buzz, but with (at least for me) no lasting value. It will make more experienced listeners of electronic music sick, but admittedly does provide a good entry point for newer and younger listeners to get versed with sounds that have been done thousands of times before.

Pillowtalk is typical American EDM beats masquerading as authentic, but really nothing new or particularly creative. Another exercise in cliche pop electronica 101 pleading for an MTV or Grammy award.




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