16 Bar Loop Thing – Bring Us Armeggedon Beats 3” CDR (self released)


16 Bar Loop Thing

Its rare to find artists with no ego, but 16 Bar Loop Thing seems to be the humblest of musicians, choosing to avoid Facebook, Myspace, or any other means of information disbursement, word of mouth is the chosen method of getting his name out there. Its an old school stance, and maybe an unreliable method in these times of fragmented micro music scene’s, but he still seems to reach an audience with his DIY ethic. The whole package feels like a labour of love, the self produced and released mini CDR, the oversized box packaging adorned with original art and collage paste-ups, groovy inserts and even an original polaroid. Made in limited numbers, 16 Bar Loop Thing plans to reach his audience one person at a time. I stumbled upon some chatter on a forum I frequent, those in the know discussing this mystery musician amongst themselves, after a while I threw my two cents into the ring asking “who is this 16 Bar Loop Thing guy?” Links sent my way shed some light, but it wasn’t until 16 Bar Loop Thing contacted me directly, hinting at his approach of connecting with his audience, that the mystery has been removed, and through his broken English, and generous parcel containing his new release, I’ve gained a little more insight into the 16 Bar Loop Thing from Spain.

Bring Us Armeggedon Beats is pure MPC beat science, an MPC and a bunch of records creating instrumental hip-hop catchy samples and infectious beats. The emphasis is on string and piano loops, 16 Bar Loop Thing morphing the samples into brooding melodies, interspersed with movie sample interludes. It doesn’ get more independent than this, pure word of mouth. Hit him up here: sixteenbarloopthing@hotmail.com

Wayne Stronell


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