Charbel Rouhana & The Beirut Oriental Ensemble – Handmade (Forward/ Select Audio Visual)


Charbel Rouhana is one of Lebanon’s most renowned exponents of the Middle Eastern oud, yet he is also an academic who has developed a new approach to the ancient instrument. His sound evokes traditions yet when combined with his Oriental Ensemble, with bass, percussion, violins and bouzok, we’re left with some of the most interesting neo classical instrumental music you could ever hope to hear. At times it verges on some kind of Asian/ Middle Eastern chamber music, at others it has this light flowing feel, apparently as a conscious counterpoint to some of the disturbances Lebanon has been experiencing of late. Recorded live over the course of four consequtive days, it almost feels like deveotional music, such is the heartfelt nature of the playing and the incredible musicianship.

Bob Baker Fish


About Author

Bob is the features editor of Cyclic Defrost. He is also evil. You should not trust the opinions of evil people.