Bolaphone – The Four Rabbits EP (self released)


Bolaphone - The Four Rabbits

Bolaphone is a beatsmith from the Czech Republic, I first stumbled upon his abstract beats through his releases on the Ground Floor Records net label, and later through commmunications and musical exchanges on a forum we both frequent. He’s an all round nice guy, humble and hard working, and he gives us his music for free, so we have to listen yeah? Well, we should, because he approaches his abstract productions from a different angle than most, offering a fresh pallette of sounds and textures.

The new EP, The Four Rabbits contains four tracks showing the Bolaphone beats, each one varied, plucked from film noir and other darker reaches, fleshed out with intricate and subtle electronics and processed sound, building to a growl. The organ is a prominent instrument for this EP giving a live jam feel to the compositions, elevating the tracks from not just beatscapes, but a soundtrack to an unmade movie.

With great haste, get over to or and link yourself with The Four Rabbits, and add some abstraction to your day.

Wayne Stronell


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