Drone Lebanon/Wertham – Roma Yerushalayim (Topheth Prophet)


Drone Lebanon & Wertham

What seems to be a split release by Drone Lebanon and Wertham, recorded in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and Como, Italy respectively.

Drone Lebanon comes across similar to Muslimgauze with the middle-eastern chants and voices, but negates all rhythm in favour of noise, set to overload, for the first two tracks at least. On Self Hating Jew the rhythm emerges as somewhat motorik, but dispels again for the remaining tracks, where the noise again takes over, the distortion seems to blanket everything, disguising even the pummeling death-metal like vocals of Ch4.

Wertham contribute two long tracks to round out the cd, one of noise, similar in style to Drone Lebanon, the second is more subdued, more drone than distorted noise, embedded with lost radio transmissions and SPK style rhythmic undercurrents.

One for the noise and drone fans, brutal.

Wayne Stronell


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