Lezet – Character (Headphonica)


For those more linguistically inclined, Lezet has served up a batch of poetry translated into sound via keyboard. Lezet is a prolific Serbian composer Igor Jovanovic who has released a plethora of albums in the past few years mostly in the netlabel arena, in this case Headphonica. Character is the results of childhood obsession of the relation between typing machines and keyboards and realized as a means of homage to this obsession, which could be construed as a means of release of obsession, through realising a form of its expression.

Jovanovic’s manipulation of the arrhythmic nature of the sounds produced by typing each letter, represented by a distict note, reveals melody. At times the “strictly typist approach’ calls for “changes in pitch melody dynamics to avoid sounding sternly kinda typist’. The question here could be one of translation rather than transposition. Is the music reflective of the poetry? Does the poetry translate into music? If transposition is needed in terms of “pitch melody dynamics’ then could the means of translation be ill matched or merely construed as an experiment in form?

Having listened to Lezet’s Din, which in a manner of speaking is more musical, in that it is more recognisably seen as music form, but also is more inventive and has a greater range of music experimentation, I can only imagine that Character is a singular output of experimentation among many such utterings by Jovanovic and undoubtedly not the last. Take it as you will this is quite obscure music distinct from forms of entertainment offered as cultural norm.



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