Various Artists – Audible Geography (Room 40)


Expanding on a framework explored at length on 2006′ “On Isolation’ compendium, Audible Geography, Brisbane label Room 40′ most recent collection of expanded continues to explore the fluid dynamics and definitions of geography. A collaborative work by Room 40, University of Tasmania and Institute Of Australian Geographers, Audible Geography serves as a relevant document to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the IAG.

The eleven sound artists invited to participate on Audible Geography were invited to respond to a paper discussing the ongoing nature of geography in its natural, political, economic and cultural forms and its influence on our knowledge of time and space.

With a careful emphasis on the subtleties and intricacies of processed and untreated field recordings, Audible Geography is undoubtedly a body of work that is best listened to with a clear sense of focus. Audible Geography‘ eleven pieces run through a wide gamut of field recordings, with works ranging from completely natural recordings to more layered and altered tracks.

Toshiya Tsunoda’ contribution “Sand-Stream On Beach’ through a sense of restrained minimalism accurately conveys feeling of walking on an isolated beach long after the sun has set. The ubiquitous Francisco Lopez’ “Untitled #200′ juxtaposes birds in an aviary environment with brooding manipulated sonic backgrounds. Pieces by Eric La Casa and Lee Patterson project elements of musique concrete through use of rumbling subsonics, undemonstrative use of space and bowed percussion to hint at the links between sound art performance environments and their geographic links. Throughout its duration, Audible Geography regularly stimulates the listener’ awareness of their natural and constructed geographic surroundings, and is a rewarding listen.

Andrew Tuttle


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