I Am A Vowel – Et Op La Bang (Fang Bomb)


Parisian Nelly Languier poses as I Am A Vowel; a composer working in drones, loops, voices, and lap-top manipulations and elongations. Et Op La Bang comprises eight pieces, all of them heavy with one-note sketches taking various guises. Immediately one wonders what Et Op La Bang wants to say, or is trying to offer the listener. Although the pieces are not unpleasant then seem opaque as to their direction, their lack of form or intent a little transparent, each fitting better as say, an accompaniment to visual artworks or as sound installations.

The bale themselves refer to Et Op La Bang as a “pop-drone masterpiece”, a tag which I can’ concur with, for despite its being inoffensive, the album fails to transfer anything emotive or of significant originality texturally. Had Languier sought to define a presence, a figure, a narrative or concept even, to illuminate the intentions of the pieces, the album might, in the style say Mira Calix, add up to something more, more effective, and more functional.

Steve Phillips


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