Black Sister’ Revenge (DV1)


black sistas revenge

Far from a looker, Emma May, the hick cousin from rural Mississippi comes to visit 1976 Compton. Her two much prettier cousins are loath to take her out on the town, yet after pressuring from mom, they relent. After all her mother has recently died so she deserves to have some fun. So she doesn’ cramp their action however they implore their dates to find a mate for this buck toothed, hokey, this seemingly dim witted horror head. Running out of options they inadvertently hook her up with a hopped up sleaze-bag loser named Jesse who’ll make a play for anything in a skirt. Before anything can happen a fight breaks out. In goes Emma fists flailing, swearing like a trooper and kicks some male butt. This chick can fight. The key to Jamaa Fanaka’ (Penitentiary) very average Black Sisters Revenge is that it feels like a documentary. The dialogue seems improvised when it is intelligible, steeped in slang or often poorly recorded, and the camera movements don’ call attention to themselves. Also the plot developments are so poorly telegraphed that it doesn’ seem like someone bothered to sit down and write a script. Well Jesse does something stupid, gets picked up by the police and the besotted Emma May supports him financially whilst inside, but of course Jesse aint that bright, and if we’ve learnt one thing by watching this film it’s don’ cross a country chick- they’ve got all kinds of animal in them. Low budget, poorly made, it’s enough to give blacksploitation a bad name – only redeemed by the batch of whip-ass our Emma May brews up occasionally.

Extra Features:

-Bob Baker Fish


About Author

Bob is the features editor of Cyclic Defrost. He is also evil. You should not trust the opinions of evil people.