Ensemble Gaguik Mouradian – Goussan: Armenian Troubadours (Accords Croises/ Select Audio Visual)


Ensemble Gaguik Mouradian

The Ensemble Gaguik Mouradian, is an ensemble that revisit the traditional poetic and musical heritage of Armenia, utilising traditional instrumentation and texts. Gaguik Mouradian is a renowned for his skills Kamancha, a spiked fiddle with a small sound box made of hollowed out apricot wood covered with goat or lamb skin. He has performed in concert settings throughout Armenia and in the Soviet Union. For this recording he’ brought together a group of musicians, or “Goussans’ tapping into the life of the itinerant musician, the restless troubadour, who created music for pagan rituals and to create ceremonial links to the Gods. Much of the music was passed orally from master to student, yet they also improvised on occasions at political or poetic gatherings. There is a meditative feel to much of the music, there’ a classical, almost chamber music quality to it, played on traditional Armenian instruments such as Kanun (board zither), the oud, saz, and various flutes and oboes. Also present are deep male often wailing vocals from various members of the ensemble. These are often interchanged with a solo, such is the degree of arrangement present. It’s music to be listened to silently. It feels like it was created by musicians seated in a circle and there are links to the hypnotic quality of Indian classical music. It’s presented in a small hardcover book with extensive liner notes on this beautiful tradition.

Bob Baker Fish


About Author

Bob is the features editor of Cyclic Defrost. He is also evil. You should not trust the opinions of evil people.