Terrestrial Tones – Dead Drunk (Paw Tracks)


Well the freaks are back, Brooklyn duo of Dave Porter (Animal Collective) and Eric Copeland (Black Dice) have again teamed up and delivered another strange murky indecipherable sludge of weirdness that defies any form of comparison. Their third album, recorded whilst they were living in Paris posses fragmentary shards of known music, alongside this new intuitive form they have been cultivating, where everything is mashed together, the wails, moans, quite processed weirdness, repetitive looped mechanisms and assorted noises into one big lo fi sonic sludge. It’s weird, energetic, self-indulgent gibberish. Yet it posses a mischievous sense of experimentation that makes you wade through the noisy incongruous chaos in an effort to understand exactly what is going on. You probably wont find an answer, yet the work is so dense that the journey is fraught with numerous possibilities.


About Author

Bob is the features editor of Cyclic Defrost. He is also evil. You should not trust the opinions of evil people.