Glowworm – The Coachlight Woods (Post Dog Productions)


The process of creating art is one that is beyond explanation. Not even those who are involved in it can acutely articulate the cognitions that lie behind it. It can be a solitary task for the individual, but in a group situation, it’s not hard to believe that there’ a connection formed between the members’ collective unconscious. It’s also one that’s all encompassing, so it’s no wonder many musicians choose to escape reality, cut themselves off from society, and block out all external distractions so they can focus solely on the job at hand.

Kevin Davis and Robert W., collectively known as Glowworm, chose the secluded option to create their first album together. If there was ever a sonic documentation of solidarity in the desert, The Coachlight Woods is it. It draws on so much of its surrounding environment: the space, the desert winds, the withdrawal from society. Glowworm excel in minimal, droning electronica. Songs like “Lux’, “Periphescence’ and the Boards of Canada-esque “Contralis’ are simultaneously pensive and melancholy. Each track is built on beds of ambient synths that are garnished with droplets of glockenspiel, lackadaisical drumming and eroded tape samples.

“The Captive’ and “Into The Woods’ are more traditional post rock in the vein of Mogwai and The Album Leaf. They’re fiery and combustible but Glowworm never fail to plumb the emotional depths in these numbers. They weave in abrasive, fuzzed-out guitar licks with drum grooves that sit right on the beat and subtle but effective electronic accompaniments. “Glow Scraped From The Earth’ is The Coachlight Woods‘ epic finale, a song that essentially combines all of Glowworm’ elements and pieces them together over 11 minutes. The pull and push of the song echoes the feelings throughout an album that can only be described as a beautiful and accomplished debut offering.

Dom Alessio


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