Calico on Rupture


Our very own (ha!) Matt Calico interviews dj/Rupture on the future of music.

MATT: What do you think are the biggest issues at the moment?

RUPTURE: Structure equality in the developing world. Access to drinkable water. AIDS in Africa… Oh you mean music? heh-heh. The big issue is no big issues.

Don’t get it twisted: MP3s and legality is not a big issue. Labels and lawyers are trying to push that notion into the public, but it’s hardly the case. There is no piracy crisis. Now’s the best time EVER to be a music fan. We have an unprecedented wealth of choices. Now is the best time EVER to be making music: the barriers to entry are at their lowest, you can record an album with an expensive PC running free open source linux software. Moreover, the ease of distribution is incredible. At least 80,000 people have downloaded my Gold Teeth Thief mix, I just put it online to share it will friends at it exploded exponentially.

Jace/Rupture always has great stuff to say, and if you aren’t a regular reader of his blog then you need to be.


About Author

Seb Chan founded Cyclic Defrost Magazine in 1998 with Dale Harrison. He handed over the reins at the end of 2010 but still contributes the occasional article and review.