Lobisomem – Onze Padras (Tall Corn Music)


“Haunting” is a frustrating word. It’s been so overused as to become generic. When we use the word “haunting” to discuss instrumental sample-based pop albums these days we tend to mean “melancholic” or “not many songs to dance to”. With Onze Pedras, Lobisomem submit that when we use the word “haunting” we should try to ‘Mean What We Say’. It’s a compelling argument.

Full of elusive moments and littered with ear-blink-and-you’ll-miss-them mini melodies, this record is immersive and rewarding. ‘Incumbent Upon Us’ is perhaps the album’ mission statement. Lots of cymbals and cute little post-pop jams kick off our journey though the haunted house. Look out for g-g-g-g-ghosts. Look out for s-s-s-s-strings. Revel in the three minute j-j-j-j-journey.

It may just be because Lobisomem is Portuguese for Werewolf that the mood is a little spooky, but I’ll wager this abum is haunted. The will’o’he wisps in ‘Consonants and Vowels’ are arresting. ‘She’ Made of Clay’ is a playful funeral dirge. ‘Saidera Harmony’ sounds like all the souls that ever were singing together in unison. Without being sad, or scary, or depressing, or shocking Onze Pedras is haunting. It’ll stay with you.

James d’Apice


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